What’s the one thing without which your daily life is unimaginable? You may think of bae, but we are talking about ‘salt bae’. Besides doing wonders in your room, kitchen, and bathroom, Himalayan pink salt is also used for meat curing.
If you are a newbie, let’s see what meat curing is and why it is important.
Meat, fish, or vegetables are cured to preserve their taste and flavor. The procedure of curing drains moisture out of the food so it can last fresh for a long time and prevents food spoilage.
There are various methods for meat curing. Meat is usually cured by dehydration, dry curing, brine curing, and combination curing. The curing can be done by rubbing the cure on the food surface, mixed into foods dry, or dissolved in water brine
The most traditional and common method is flooding meat with salt and leaving it for a prolonged period.
Pink salt contains most of the sodium chloride (98%) and a very little amount of other trace minerals (2%).
Sodium chloride has the best preserving ability for cold smoking or dry curing. It helps in reducing moisture which results in a lesser risk of meat spoilage.
When it comes to pink salt there is a difference between “Himalayan pink salt” and “curing pink salt”. However, Himalayan salt can also be used for curing but due to more amount of trace minerals, it can influence the outcome of meat.
Curing pink salt is used on meat to prevent the production of botulinum toxin in meat. The use of nitrites inhibits the growth of anaerobic bacteria.
Several toxins grow on meat, including but not limited to Aflatoxin B1, Ochratoxin A, and botulinum toxin. Curing pink salt effectively prevents the growth of toxins in meat.
Salmonella and E. coli are the most common bacteria that grow on meat. Curing pink salt prevents the growth of bacteria, algae, fungi, and other parasites on the meat. Thanks to its nitrate composition that kills the bacteria and stops them from nourishing on meat.
A lot of families freeze the meat for several weeks to even months. The process of meat curing enhances the shelf life of meat without making it go through preservatives. It won’t be inappropriate if we call it a natural way of preserving meat.
It is a mixture of sodium chloride (table salt) and sodium nitrate. It is encouraged not to sprinkle it on your food like normal table salt.
Pink salt comes in two forms. Each curing type is used on a different type of food items and their storage types
The first cure is 93.75% table salt and 6.25% sodium nitrite. Type 1 is used in all sort of meat, fish, poultry, etc. curing which require cooking (steaming, brining, or smoking)
The second cure is used in curing dry products. Pepperonis, salamis or dried sausages, or other food which do not require cooking can be cured by curing pink salt 2.
Curing meat with salt is highly successful and can be done easily at home in two ways.
Completely cover the meat in salt for 24 hours to remove its moisture. Add salt to a container, place meat over it and again add salt above it. You can also add your favorite seasonings along with it.
If you don’t want to waste plenty of salt, can try this modern technique. Weigh the meat and apply 3% worth of weight of salt to the meat. Cover it evenly and seal it in a vacuum sealer and refrigerate it for 5 days.
Certainly, there are dozens of methods for meat curing. However, curing meat with curing pink salt has its own natural benefits. From kitchen to bathroom, from office to farmhouse, from decoration to jewelry, Himalayan pink salt proves to have many functions. A wonder of nature packed with exemplary benefits!
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